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Is it true that there is a global pandemic every 100 years?

In the year 2020, a post claimed that every 100 years we have witnessed a global pandemic and this topic became pretty hyped.  According to the post, it is said that   " there is a theory that every 100 years a pandemic has happened. " This seems normal at the first glance, but after a glance or two, the accuracy of this theory seems quite scary. The post featured pandemics such as Plague of 1720 , Cholera Outbreak of 1820 , Spanish Flu of 1920 , and 2020's Covid-19, also known as the Corona Virus.   Even though the plague wasn't a pandemic, the other two examples didn't even occur in the years stated by this post. Also in an interview with PolitiFact,  Yale University history professor Frank Snowden  said ,  “I am suspicious of the idea that pandemics run to a railroad timetable”.    Cholera originated in 1817 , Spanish Flu originated in 1918 and the Corona Virus was reported at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, China . Also, this post...

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